
WikiMilano is a newspaper registered with the Press Register of the Court of Milan (No. 278 of October 11, 2017). It is an online encyclopedia, which can be consulted for free and entirely by anyone. It collects and disseminates, in several languages, articles, data and multimedia material on the protagonists of Milan and its vast metropolitan area: institutions, bodies and companies, but also, and above all, characters who animate its activity giving it prestige in Italy and in the world.

Who makes WikiMilano?
Who makes WikiMilano?
The entries present are chosen, written and edited by the Metropolitan Observatory of Milan, an independent and non-profit research institute.

How does it work?
How does it work?
The Metropolitan Observatory of Milan collects proposals for inserting and modifying pages through a network of experts (ambassadors) in the different areas (culture, institutions, economy, etc.), evaluates their profile and verifies its veracity.

The drafting of texts, for uniformity, thirdness and quality of content, is entrusted to communication professionals (tutors).

  • Do you want to participate? Proposals and reports to improve existing pages or insert new ones are welcome. You can also apply for ambassador and tutor roles.
  • Who and what do you find? The biographies and pages of the metropolitan protagonists, whose texts are enriched with podcasts, films, images, documents, translations, links...
  • Who and what can’t you find? Fake news and unverified information are banned from pages thanks to careful work on every published data.
  • Who reads WikiMilano? The audience is very heterogeneous (read demographic analysis). In the last twelve months, WikiMilano pages have appeared in over 4.6 million Google searches (source Google Analytics, March 15, 2022), 17% of which come from abroad.
  • Does this have anything to do with Wikipedia? No. WikiMilano and Wikipedia have no connection. Both, like so many other wiki-mode websites, simply share the same software platform (mediawiki). That’s why features and graphics look very similar.