Fabio Di Venosa

Other languages: Italiano English

Fabio Di Venosa

Head of the Press Office and Public Relations of Federpol
Assumed office November 2018

CEO of Centro Servizi Investigativi (Center for Investigative Services)
Assumed office 2005

Fabio Di Venosa (Milan, 11 January 1972) is a private investigator specializing in corporate investigations, computer forensics and search for confidential information.

Content verified by the Osservatorio Metropolitano di Milano (3/12/2018)


After his university studies in Economics and Commerce at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, during which he already begins to collaborate with the main Italian investigative agencies, he continues his specialization in civil and criminal investigations until he obtains, in 2004, the analogous prefectural license[1]. In 2005, he founds the Centro Servizi Investigativi (Center for Investigative Services), an agency which conducts investigations in either the corporate field (absenteeism, abuse of permits under Italian law number 104, diversion of customers, unfair competition, data and asset theft, etc.) or the private field (marital infidelity, maintenance allowance adjustment, underage acquaintances). In 2010, he starts expanding the professional activities of the Centro Servizi Investigativi and establishes an internal division with special expertise in the search and collection of confidential information of any nature. In 2015, the Centro Servizi Investigativi becomes the first investigative agency in Italy to equip itself with a laboratory in order to carry out computer investigations, data recovery techniques and digital forensics. Since 2018, it is a member of WAD – the World Association of Detectives[2].

Associative activities in the professional field

Within the sector’s associationism, since 2016 he has been holding the position of Provincial Delegate of Federpol (Italian Federation of Private Institutes for Investigations, Information and Security) for the cities of Monza and Brianza. The Federation is accredited to the Ministry of the Interior and present within the Central Consortium Commission of the Ministry itself. Within Federpol he is initially vice president for the Lombardy region (2017) and, since November 2018, he has been covering the national role of Head of the Press Office and Public Relations.

Social and voluntary activities

From 2008 to 2014 he has been an active member of Società Libera (Free Society), a private organization which promotes cultural and political debate about freedom. Being a member of the Rotary Club since 2016, he is the first president (biennium 2018-2019) of the new Rotary Club Milano International Net, born from the history of the Rotary Club Milano Net and Milano International[3]. He is also promoter of the MI’mpegno Committee.

Educational activities

Speaker at the following Events and Conferences:

  • Update seminar Diritto di famiglia, 26 October 2015, Osservatorio Nazionale sul Diritto di Famiglia
  • Conference Jobs Act: poteri di controllo del datore di lavoro e investigazioni digitali, 24 February 2016, Bicocca School of Law
  • Seminar Privacy, controlli a distanza e nuove tecnologie : sfide e opportunità in Italia e in Europa, 15 March 2017, Jura Hominis - Giuffrè Editore - IlGiuslavorista.it
  • Workshop Controllo 2.0 - Le normative sul controllo a distanza del lavoratore, 18 October 2017, Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica - Jenny.Avvocati
  • Seminar GDPR Regolamento UE 2016/679: I necessari adeguamenti tra nuovi obblighi e nuove sanzioni, 14 May 2018, AGAM - AIGA - Unione Giovani Dottori Commercialisti Milano
  • Panel discussion Il ruolo delle Scienze forensi sulla scena del crimine e nel processo, 30 May 2018, Movimento Forense Milano
  • Seminar GDPR : Guida pratica agli adempimenti PRIVACY, 3 July 2018, AIGA
  • Panel discussion Assegno di divorzio. Analisi e riflessioni dopo la pronuncia delle Sezioni unite n.18287, 15 October 2018, Movimento Forense Milano
  • Conference Recupero Crediti in condominio : con la mediazione si può, 27 November 2018, Società Umanitaria / ICAF
  • Seminar La parola è un'opera pubblica. Manipolazione linguistica e fake news tra diritti, interessi e sanzioni, 14 December 2018, Fronte Verso - Associazione Donne Giuriste - EtiCrea

Awards and recognitions

Awarded as the most popular investigator on the Net;
Centro Servizi Investigativi(Center for Investigative Services) is a finalist for the Deontology award in the Private investigations category.
Finalist as a private investigator in the Experience category.


See also

External links